Tuesday 10 March 2015

Easy peasy recipe: the best porridge I've ever had.

One day I was hungry and decided to make some porridge. I added some extras to make it more interesting and less carb-heavy. Now it's my new favourite breakfast! Here's the recipe!

Thursday 5 March 2015

Life with congenital heart disease.

So this is the second instalment of my life with congenital heart disease series. Last time, I wrote about the story of my past, now I want to tell you about the present. As I was writing this, it got too lengthy for one post, so I split it up in two. This one deals with daily life and scars, and next time I'll talk about medication and general health, exercise and check-ups.

Saturday 28 February 2015

A coffee addict's tea picks.

Are you a tea person or a coffee person? I can safely say I'm on team coffee! I drink it every day and sometimes I have more than I should. Recently however, I've been drinking more and more tea. I was stressed out and cut back on the caffeine to make sure my body wouldn't go into overdrive. So today I present you with my favourite teas, including the one that made choose for tea more often. By tea, I mean both actual tea infusions as well as herbal infusions that don't contain the tea plant.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

A skin saviour.

When it comes to skincare, I only use very few product. Unless I need to take my make up off, I'll only use water to wash my face because I don't find skincare product add any value. Lately however, I've rediscovered a product that I've been using on and off for several years. This is Rivella's Derma Repair Complex. It's done my skin a world of good!

Friday 20 February 2015

Life with congenital heart disease.

I've been in doubt for a long time about whether to write about this or not, but as I write posts on exercise regularly, it seems relevant to tell you about my heart disease and how it affects me. I'm not even sure where to start, but things I want to cover in this and following posts include a bit of my story, how it affects me in daily life, and how it affects how I exercise. So I decided to try and split it up into past, present, and future. Some things never change though, so it's not easy to completely split it up. Anyhow, here's the story of my past.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

A recipe: fool-proof American-style brownies.

Do you like brownies? You know, chocolatey goodness, crispy on the outside and fudgy on the inside? Well if you do, keep reading! Here's a recipe that even I managed to get right from the fist time. When my family tried these, they told me how good they were and asked for the recipe, so they are definitely delicious.

Saturday 14 February 2015

The key to exercise success.

Over a year ago I started to run regularly to improve my stamina. As we're approaching spring, I'm also keen strengthening my abs and glutes a little. There's one single piece of advise that anyone who wants to work out should keep in mind. It has helped me a lot already and still does now.