Sunday 23 February 2014

Make-Up Studio Eyeshadow Lumière in Red Sparkler.

It's been three weeks ago already that E. and I went on a trip to the Hague. Whilst following a printed city tour, we felt like we needed a hot chocolate to warm up again. So we deviated from our path and when we were walking back to continue the tour again, we came across a store called Make-Up Studio. Obviously you wouldn't be reading this post if it hadn't been for us entering the store and me ending up buying myself a present!

Saturday 22 February 2014

The food hourglass.

A little while ago I told you that I was fascinated by the book the food hourglass. I wanted to tell you what I think of it after finishing the book.

Friday 21 February 2014

Green clay mask: attempt number two.

A little while ago I wrote about the green clay powder that I'd bought and how I mad a face mask with it. That first attempt hadn't worked out well, but my second one did! I first did this with a friend and it worked great for the both of us. The photos are from the second time that I did the same thing by myself.
Here's the 'recipe':

Thursday 20 February 2014

Start to run update #6

I haven't been posting much lately for personal reasons. For those same reasons, my training schedule has been disrupted. But there's good news too!

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Beautiful blouses.

Early December I went shopping with my grandma. She needed to get herself a new blouse for her son's (my uncle's) birthday party. We went to a shop which is called Charles Vögele since we'd seen a nice blouse in their weekly ads. I would not have entered this shop if it hadn't been for her, but neither my grandma nor I left empty handed.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

A bit of shopping.

Last Wednesday I went shopping in Leuven with my friend J. She and I have quite different shopping styles: she will pick up every piece to see what it is, whereas I browse trough a store in a less exhaustive fashion. We visited a few stores that I usually don't enter, and I'm glad we did! 
They match quite nicely, don't they?
I got myself a jumper and a pair of jeans:

Monday 10 February 2014

Home-made almond milk.

Since I've read the food hourglass, I've been avoiding milk a bit. Milk is said to be bad for people because it contains growth factors. This is normal since it's drank by baby cows that still need to grow! For grown up humans however, growth factors are not good. 
I haven't given up milk altogether, but I've been trying a few alternatives to substitute it with. I tried unsweetened soy milk, which tastes awful, sweetened soy milk which is okay, but I liked almond milk best. It tastes nutty - who knew! - and soft and yummy!
Since the store bought almond milk I got contained a few additives too, I wondered whether I could make my own. Turns out I can! Here's how I did it: