Thursday 20 February 2014

Start to run update #6

I haven't been posting much lately for personal reasons. For those same reasons, my training schedule has been disrupted. But there's good news too!

I can't even remember what I ran on which day for sure. But there have definitely been larger periods of time between jogs than there ought to be! 

On the bright side though: last night, for the very first time in my life - at least as far as I can remember - I jogged for 30 minutes without a break! My sister and I went for our jog in the street instead of on the track. Afterwards looked up our route on google maps, and we have jogged 4km in the 30 minutes. That's spot on the speed I'm aiming for as a beginner: 400m or one lap on the tack in 3 minutes. 

My next steps will be to finish the last start to run lessons (run for 32 minutes and 30 minutes). Then I'll see if I feel ready to run 5k. If I don't feel ready yet, I will gradually increase the number of minutes that I jog for.

Wish me luck, I could use some!