Tuesday 25 February 2014

Latest obsession: TED-Ed YouTube channel.

On Saturday I stumbled upon a short and sweet video that explained how sugar affects our brain. I found it very interesting and well explained. Since the video was quite short, it's easy enough to stay focussed al the way through. And that's how I discovered the TED-Ed YouTube channel, which is filled with these animated educational videos! They cover a wide variety of topics and there are videos from talks on there too. 

What is TED-Ed?
According to their website:
TED-Ed is a free educational website for teachers and learners. We are a global and interdisciplinary initiative with a commitment to creating lessons worth sharing. Our approach to education is an extension of TED’s mission of spreading great ideas.

Within the growing TED-Ed video library, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through the TED-Ed platform. This platform also allows users to take any useful educational video, not just TED's, and easily create a customized lesson around the video. Users can distribute the lessons, publicly or privately, and track their impact on the world, a class, or an individual student.

Here's the video on how sugar affects the brain: 

I've spent quite a bit of my time watching TED-Ed videos this weekend. I haven't nearly seen all of them, but here are some favourites of the ones I did see.

This one is on whether we should be eating bugs: I personally could't overcome the 'ick' factor they speak of!

The infinite Hotel Paradox deals with -as you might have guessed- infinity.

This one is beautiful, true story!

How waste oil can be recycled to make bio diesel.

On motion sickness.

I found this one sad. It's on penguins and that many kinds of penguins are threatened or endangered. Us humans are making it hard for penguins to survive!

The history of marriage: it wasn't always about love! It also covers polygamy and same-sex marriages.

On the physics behind the success of the Fosbury Flop. Pretty awesome how one guy changed the sport!

This one tells you about the life cycle of and eel. It's very cute!

On how the universe will end. I love the representations of matter, dark matter and dark energy!

On the invention of shipping containers and how this aided in globalization.

And there's much more on the channel! There are things that I haven't seen yet such as: "How do pain relievers work?", "How does math guide our ships at sea?", "Does stress cause pimples?", "8 traits of successful people",and "Why is there a b in doubt?".

Do go and check out this channel! 
