Tuesday 24 June 2014

PerBlan tooth powder review: mint vs lemon.

One hundred, that's the number of this post! Since the most viewed post of all is the PerBlan tooth powder review, I figured it be nice to make the 100th one related to that.

Recently I repurchased the tooth powder, but I got the lemon version to see if there's any I like better.
So here's a comparison of the two.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

A week's worth of food.

Never in my life have I kept a food journal, but I figured I could write down what I eat every day for a week or so. It may help me eat better for I know I'm going to write it down! I always start the day with loads of water and I drink more of it throughout the day, but I haven't written down every time I drank water. Everything else is written down.

Sunday 15 June 2014

The longest lasting lipstick: Barry M Touch of Magic.

I'm a fan of bright lispticks, but when I spotted this one I was intrigued.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Adventure fund jar DIY.

I got inspired by Carl and Ellie and wanted to make an adventure fund jar of my own. I'd been looking to buy a jar for making this, but couldn't find one that I thought to be ideal. On Saturday I was browsing around my stuff in the attic and there it was: the perfect jar!
The next day I gave it a good wash and got started!

Sunday 8 June 2014

Challenge accepted.

Last week I wrote about the 30 day challenges. And not much later my sister A. and I decided to go for it. We weren't going to wait for the starting date of the Facebook event though, so we started on the 30th of May.
Here's how it's going:

Wednesday 4 June 2014

New makeup stores.

On Saturday, my friend A. and I spent the day in Leuven. and we made a few new beauty store discoveries that day. She mentioned something about MAC coming to Belgium, but I said they're already here. I knew there are MAC-stores in Antwerp, Wijnegem and Brussels and Ghent, but then we spotted a shop window with a giant sticker saying that MAC is coming soon. Apart from this I made a few more discoveries of beauty stores that have opened recently in Leuven and Hasselt.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

The 30 day challenges.

A bit of ab training won't hurt as summer is coming up. In the past I've tried doing ab exercises, but I always simply forget to do them and then gave up in less than a week. And yesterday I say this picture passing by on Facebook: