Monday 25 August 2014

London purchases part two: Biscuits.

What to bring home from England for a family that never drinks tea? Biscuits! So I went to Marks and Spencer to get some shortbread - which is more of a Scottish thing though - and left with a few more biscuits than planned.

The packaging got jammed during the journey home, but here they are anyway:

Thursday 21 August 2014

London purchases part one: Boots.

A little while ago, I was in London. I'd saved up some cash to spend in my Adventure fund jar and naturally I visited a few shops. You'll be shown the things I purchased in this and the next few posts. Of course I went into Boots and picked up a few goodies. I got some affordable products that you cannot or not easily get your hands on here in Belgium.

Friday 8 August 2014

The bedside table upgrade.

The 'decor' on my bedside table has gone through some changes in the past few months, but there was definitely more room for improvement. So I made a few more small adjustments and now I'm happy with it.

Thursday 31 July 2014

Two Brazil nuts a day keep the doctor away.

Lately I've been watching loads of videos on the YouTube channel IHealthTube. One of those videos has made me make a slight change in my diet. In this video it is said that, if every girl and woman in the United States would take a selenium supplement of 200 mcg every day, the incidence of breast cancer would be decreased with 82% in one generation. Dr. Glidden, the doctor that's being interviewed, goes on to argue that we should use supplements to stay healthy.
After seeing that video, I started doing a bit of research on selenium.

Sunday 27 July 2014

The summertime DIY: ombre shoes.

So I saw this idea of dying shoes ombre not too long ago, and was keen on giving it a go! This DIY is surprisingly easy and I love the result!

Wednesday 23 July 2014

An exercise update.

It's been a while since I've done an update on jogging. Okay, a long, long while. And I wanted to do an update on the 30 day ab challenge as well. So here it goes:

Friday 18 July 2014

Easy Peasy Recipe: Raw Italian sweet pepper.

Does anyone like raw peppers? I never thought I'd voluntarily eat that, but when I tried raw Italian sweet pepper, I was pleasantly surprised! Then I tried adding some extras to it, and I've been making this for lunch a few times lately.

It's so simple, I'm not even sure it's worthy of the name 'recipe'.